The Parks Rephotography Project is a free, volunteer-driven initiative that helps strengthen our sense of place in Truckee Meadows through photographs. There are two components to the Rephotography Project:
Contemporary Rephotography and Historical Rephotography.
Historic photos from personal, public and private collections are recreated by professional photographers to document long-term change over time in our parks. The first 20 of these photos will be framed and form the centerpiece of an upcoming visual arts exhibition called Parks: Past/Present Perspectives. If you have old photos of yourself as a youngster playing in a park, please share them with the Parks Foundation. We'll help you recreate the scene and will add a brief history of who is in the photo. In this way, you can share your story and help enrich the fabric of our community.
By registering as a Park Site Steward, volunteers establish rephotographing locations either from historical photos or by establishing new locations. These site stewards commit to taking one picture of the exact same park scene every three months. TMPF staff and volunteers tie these photos together in an online slideshow that shows change over the years. Click the Contemporary Archive button below to watch trees grow, buildings change and seasons come and go. The goal of this component is to create a continuous photographic record documenting change in our parks that will be open and accessible to the public in perpetuity.
For a complete list of our Site Stewards and Sponsors, please click here.
If you would like more information, or to volunteer to become a site steward, please email us at info@tmparksfoundation.org or click here.