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Junior Naturalists

New year, new parks, and new things to learn. Whether you're a Junior Naturalist veteran or this will be your first time, you won't want to miss out!

Stop by on the third Saturday of the month to explore the featured park and try out hands-on activities.

Every time you join us at a program, you will receive a stamp. At the end of the year, you will earn prizes based on how many stamps you've collected!

Program details


What is the Junior Naturalist Program?

Junior Naturalists is a free, outdoor program for families with children of all ages to encourage the exploration of local parks while learning something new about nature!


Join our Naturalist Educators on the third Saturday of every month in a different park around the Truckee Meadows. You'll be able to explore the featured park and learn about the month's exciting topic through hands-on activities.

What is a Naturalist?

A Naturalist is someone who studies nature--the natural history of the plants, animals, and other things in their environment. You use your awesome observation and analysis skills to become a Naturalist! 


Anyone who has an interest in the natural world around them can become a Junior Naturalist! An adult must accompany their Junior Naturalist to the programs. 

Student Stewards at Teglias 3.24.15.jpg

How do I Become a Junior Naturalist?

As a Junior Naturalist, you will explore the natural world around you by visiting eleven of our local parks this year.

Register to come by the park during the program on the third Saturday of each month and you will discover exciting, hands-on activities that will help you learn something new about nature!

Junior Naturalist Park Passport

If you want to be a Junior Naturalist, you'll need your very own Park Passport to help you explore the program's featured parks! Passports will be given out at the Saturday programs to new participants.


Our Park Passport holds information about each park that we will be visiting and exclusive activities to do as you explore. Each time you attend a Jr. Naturalist program, you will receive a special stamp in your Passport. You will earn prizes at the end of the year based on how many stamps you have collected!


2021 Virtual program archive

Missed last year's programs? Click on the button for each month below for video links and activity supply lists!

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January 2021

Winter Plant Adaptations

Join Naturalists Danny & Kristina as they journey through Idlewild Park!

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April 2021

Plants of Nevada

Join Naturalists Rachel & Ethan as they tour Wilbur D. May Arboretum!

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July 2021

Riparian Zones

Join Naturalists Keaton and Geno to learn about Riparian Zones at Mayberry Park!


October 2021

Historical Science

Join Naturalists Kristina and Izzy to learn about Historical and Ranching Science at Bartley Ranch Park!

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February 2021

Winter Wildlife

Join Naturalist Colleen as she tours Oxbow Nature Study Area!

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May 2021

Geology & Geography

Join Naturalists Rachel & Ethan as they tour Wedekind Regional Park!

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August 2021

Majestic Mountains

Join Naturalists Eliza and Kristina to learn about Majestic Mountains at Davis Creek Park!


November 2021


Join all of the Naturalist Educators to learn how it's all connected with Ecology at Mira Loma Park!

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March 2021

Rabbits & Rodents

Join Naturalists Rachel & Leela as they tour Crystal Peak Park!

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June 2021

Wonderful Wetlands

Naturalists & Wetland Techs give a virtual tour of the Rosewood Nature Study Area!


September 2021

Desert Landscape

Join Naturalists Hannah and Rachel to learn about Desert Landscapes at Sun Valley Park!

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