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Feeling Like Fishing?

Matt with a fresh caught Rainbow Trout

It’s no secret that I really enjoy going fishing. Seriously, leave this page, go to our “Meet The Team” page, and hover over my bio. I’ll wait right here.

Welcome back! I hope you had a good time looking at all of the staff and our fun bio photos, especially me and my fishing pole. I really enjoy going fishing. It’s my way of connecting back to the world around me. The fresh air, the sound of the river flowing by as I stand there casting out into water, it’s all extremely relaxing. Which is good, because as many people in my life can tell you, I am not great at relaxing. But how does this relate to our parks? What if I told you that several parks in our area offer great access to fishing? It’s true!

Idlewild Park is a great example of a park that has easy access to the Truckee River. There’s plenty of parking and it’s easy to walk right down to the river bank right behind our office. The Truckee is home to three kinds of trout: Rainbow Trout, Brown Trout, and Cutthroat trout. You have the chance to catch any of these three fish and you don’t even have to leave city limits! The depth of the river varies as it passes the park so I recommend fly fishing as opposed to using a spin casting rod, but I have seen people catch fish using both here so use whatever you are most comfortable with. For the more invertebrate inclined, there are also crawdads here that can be easily caught by rod, net, trap, or even hands if you're feeling brave. I doubt they're good for eating but they can be a fun target for kids and adults alike.

A "Rainbow" Trout statue at Idlewild Park

If you’re not interested in fishing the Truckee, the Sparks Marina is the place for you! A former gravel pit that is now a shining example of the power of reclamation, the marina has a depth of 100 feet and contains a variety of fish for you to catch. According to the Nevada Department of Wildlife, rainbow, cutthroat, and brown trout, spotted bass, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, spotted bass, green sunfish, channel catfish, bullhead catfish, and carp have been introduced into the lake. NDOW also regularly stocks the lake with fish, so if you’re looking to take a child out for their first fishing experience the marina is a great place to start!

Looking out across the Sparks Marina

A more scenic park that can scratch your angling itch is Davis Creek Regional Park. Located just off of Interstate 395 on the way to Carson City, Davis Creek Regional Park is at the base of Slide Mountain and includes a pond stocked with Rainbow Trout for your enjoyment. The coolest thing about this fishing hole is that you can plan a whole weekend around your fishing trip! Davis Creek Regional Park has 62 campsites located within a short walk of the pond, so after getting in some beautiful dusk fishing you can camp out and have the first line in the water the next morning.

Davis Creek Regional Park (credit:

These are just three examples but you'd be surprised how many fishing spots are in the area even though it's a desert. You can look through our Parks Project directory for more ideas if you're in need of a new spot. Don't forget to observe all park rules though, have any necessary licenses, and be safe and respectful to the fish, other wildlife, and other people. No one likes fishing line litter or being hooked accidentally!

Fishing is an excellent way to get outdoors and enjoy our parks. Whether you fly fish or spin cast, catch & release or are looking to catch your lunch, I wish you the best of luck!

Happy Angling!

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