Rosewood Bridge Repair Project
Goal: To repair the emergency access bridge at Rosewood Nature Study Area
Project Description:
Lauren Jilot’s Eagle Project focuses on restoring a bridge at the Rosewood Nature Study Area. The bridge was built originally in 1990 and is 10 feet wide by 99 feet long. It’s the only way a full size vehicle, including an emergency vehicle, could access the Nature Study’s trails. The bridge cannot withstand the weight of a vehicle in its current state and is blocked off. If there were to be a medical emergency on the property, first responders wouldn’t be able to bring vehicles onto the property. The bridge also allows space for overflow parking and extra storage.
To restore the bridge, she must purchase and install new decking, metal strap ties, bolts, and screws. She must hire a construction company to re-deck the bridge so that it's done correctly and professionally to ensure long term safety and stability.
This project was completed October 2023 but your support helps maintain the bridge and support Lauren's work!

Thank you to all the community members supporting this project.
Donate today to help repair the Rosewood Nature Study Area Access Bridge!