3295 Mayberry Dr, Reno, NV 89509
Betsy Caughlin Donnelly Park
Park Description:
Betsy Caughlin Donnelly Park is a 30-acre Washoe County park without restrooms. The park features views of the Truckee Meadows and the Sierra Nevada mountains and is home to Reno Food System's Park Farm.
Park Amenities:
Walking trails, and benches.
Park Contact Information:
Washoe County Parks and Open Space (775) 828-6612
Park Highlights

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References & Further Info:
Washoe County Parks and Open Space - Betsy Caughlin Donnelly Park
About Us. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Reno Food Systems: 2021
Bremner, F. (1993, November 5). New park a place to gaze at the cattle grazing. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 17.
Cafferata, P. (2009, December 27). Water to fight over: The Last Chance Ditch. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 44.
Farley, C. (1990, October 24). Reno native donates southwest landd for park. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 11.
Farley, C. (1995, December 1). This old house. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 53.
Fine, L. (2005, December 2). Blast from the past. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 89.
Grady, S. (1998, September 11). Caughlin matriarch vividly remembers the 'working ranch'. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 103.
Last Chance Ditch case. (1935, February 2). Reno Evening Gazette , p. 12.
Nickles, J. (1985, October 27). Second 'Donner Party' fights developers. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 61.
Park Farm. (n.d.). Retrieved March 29, 2021, from Reno Food Systems: https://www.renofoodsystems.org/parkfarm
Skorupa, S. (2009, June 7). Garden Shop resettled on historic landscape. Reno Gazette-Journal , p. 41.
Jill Richardson (history)
Haley McGuire
Alex Shahbazi