In Memoriam
Rosemarie (Starck) Gibson
March 24, 1938 - September 11, 2016
Rosemarie Gibson passed away on Sunday, September 11, 2016 at St. Mary's Hospital in Reno, Nevada. She was a valued member of the Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation family and participated regularly in many of our activities. Rosemarie was particularly fond of the Discover Your Parks evening walks. She enjoyed spending time in nature and experiencing the trees, flowers, and other wildlife of Truckee Meadows. Rosemarie absolutely loved birds and other animals. She was always trying to learn something new from TMPF leaders and guides who organized and conducted the walks.
Rosemarie will surely be missed by all who knew her. She truly lived her life to the fullest. Let us celebrate her life and be grateful, as she was able to make such a positive difference to her environment and in the lives of so many people.
Thanks to a generous contribution made by an anonymous donor, Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation has created the Rosemarie Gibson Memorial fund dedicated to sustaining the Discover Your Parks Program.

Gene O'Brien
April 9, 1933 - September 1, 2016
Gene was a wonderful friend of Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation. He loved spending time outside, going on walks, and was inseparable from his wife, Carol, who survived him. Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation is greatly appreciative of the support and friendship given by Gene, Carol, and their daughter, Cynthia. We will miss Gene's humor and friendly disposition.
Adele Clayton
Adele Clayton had her passing on Aug. 11, 2016 at home and in hospice after a six month battle with uterine cancer. Adele loved hiking and the outdoors. She especially liked the interpretive hikes offered by the TMPF because leaders take their time to discuss the flora and fauna, geology and ecology of the area, not just rushing to get from point A to point B. She loved the outdoors because it was there that she felt her connection with nature and with God.
Remembering Adele is to remember the happy and joyful woman she was.