Galena Athletics Fitness and Conditioning Trail Project
Goal: Galena Athletics is working with a professional trail builder to construct a natural surface trail on Washoe County Parks land adjacent to the school.
Why use hills for training?: Hill training is good for all sports. It is the perfect combination of strength and speed training, which will benefit not only runners, but football, basketball, soccer and baseball/softball players. They can also help prevent injuries by increasing ankle strength and flexibility and in helping to prevent shin splints. Ankle strength improves an athlete’s ability to push off harder and increase explosiveness. Uphill running also decreases impact forces on the athlete’s legs and lower joints.
Project Description: We intend to use a professional trail builder to lay out the course and to do the major grading. The trail will be comprised of three segments totaling about ½ mile, each offering a different training opportunities. The 300 meter base trail (black line) will be 8’ wide and about 5% grade, allowing athletes to work on speed and endurance training. The 200 meter green line will be steeper (about 7%), enabling athletes to build power on the steeper grade. The 300 meter red line completes the loop, allowing for distance runners (or walkers) to perform multiple loops for endurance training. These two trail segments will be about 4’ wide. The trail will be designed to ensure runoff doesn’t create erosion issues, and to assist with drying after rain events.
Cost: The expected construction cost is about $6,000 for the major grading. Volunteers (our athletes) will help with hand work to help keep costs down and to build a sense of ownership by our athletes. We are soliciting donations and are working through the Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation (a 501c(3) nonprofit) on fundraising so that your donations will be tax deductable. You may donate through this link (or QR code). All funds raised in excess of the construction cost will be used to create a donor plaque on site, and for future maintenance and possible expansion (such as a new trail to the “G” from the school.
For further information, contact Jeff Mann, Cross Country and Track Coach, at park106@gmail.com.