One of Rosewood Nature Study Area’s frequent visitors is Sarah, an artist and Reno-local. For years, Sarah struggled with anxiety and stress. In addition to seeking consolation through therapy, friends, and family, Sarah spent her time at Rosewood. The hundreds of birds and wind-swept native grasses drew Sarah to the wetland. “I love watching the birds interact with the reeds; it grounds me,” she says. “Rosewood is a constant reminder of the quiet, calming connections that exist in nature.” Our connection to nature is more vital than ever, and with your support we can preserve open spaces for generations to come.
Despite the peace at Rosewood, Sarah still faced days where her anxiety seemed unbearable. During Sarah’s darkest month, she stopped visiting Rosewood altogether. It wasn’t until Sarah’s friend encouraged her to return that Sarah remembered all that the wetlands have to offer. Slowly, she resumed her daily nature walks, this time with a sketchbook in hand. Her sketchbook filled with depictions of heron feathers, butterfly wings, and winter sunsets. “My art is my thank you to the wetlands,” Sarah reflects. “Incorporating daily walks through nature allows me to heal, and now I want to connect others with the healing properties of nature.”
Sarah’s story is a testament to the incredible impact nature can have on mental health. For many, our wetlands are a refuge - a place to release burdens and racing thoughts. Scientist Kirsten Weir with the American Psychological Association supports what Sarah and others feel at Rosewood, “From a stroll through a city park to a day spent hiking in the wilderness, exposure to nature has been linked to a host of benefits, including improved attention, lower stress, better mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders, and even upticks in empathy and cooperation.”
Your donation is vital to ensuring another year of restoration for the land and our community. Root your mental health in nature with a financial gift today.