COVID-19 Updates
Updated 9/13/21
In-Person Programming Updates
Thank you for your interest in Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation’s array of interpretive programs. We are excited for you to join us in exploring our local parks and learning more about the natural world.
To prioritize the safety of our programming participants, we have made some changes to our hands-on programs. Please take a moment to review these changes below:
Expectations of our Participants
All participants are required to register for programs and events online, prior to the day of the event. Registration for events will be capped based on capacity to maintain safety and social distance.
Please practice proper social distancing when possible - do your best to stay 6 feet away from others not in your household.
Please wear a mask while participating in events if you are not fully vaccinated.
Please avoid high-touch surfaces and sanitize or wash your hands before attending.
Please stay home if you are feeling sick or unwell! We encourage all participants to perform self symptom checks before attending any of our programs and events. Please be advised, if participants exhibit any COVID-19 symptoms, they may be asked to leave. Please review the CDC’s list of COVID-19 symptoms.
Please be respectful of other participants and staff.
Expectations of our Staff:
TMPF has implemented the following basic infection prevention measures to protect staff, participants, and the public.
TMPF will promote frequent and thorough hand washing. If soap and running water are not immediately available, TMPF will provide alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
TMPF will encourage respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes.
Staff and participants will stay in designated groups to follow suggested social distancing strategies and increase the physical distance between each other.
TMPF will provide writing utensils and receptacles for clean and used items along with a sanitized space for signing in at the program or event.
TMPF will clean and disinfect surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the program environment before and after the event.
If returning from travel outside the region, the staff will not participate in programming for 14 days.
All staff and participants will wear face masks if they are not fully vaccinated.
Each staff will conduct a symptom check below before coming into the office or attending a community program. If the staff is able to answer yes to any of the below items the staff will not come to the office or attend the event.
Symptom Check:
Temperature. If a staff or participant has a temperature of greater than 100.4, they will be sent home immediately and are not to return to camp until they have experienced 72 hours with no fever AND any other symptoms have improved, AND 7 days since their first symptom.
If staff has a thermometer at their place of residence, they should take their temperature prior to leaving for the office. If their temperature is greater than 100.4, they should contact their immediate supervisor and stay at home until they have experienced 72 hours with no fever AND any other symptoms have improved, AND 7 days since their first symptom.
Fever, cough, fatigue, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, mucus production, muscle aches, sore throat, diarrhea.
Any close contact in the last 14 days with someone with a diagnosis of COVID-19
Travel outside the region in the last 14 days
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please reach out to info@tmparksfoundation.org for more information! You can also call our Idlewild Office at 775-410-1702 on Monday through Friday from 9AM-4PM.